One long year has passed! Which means I still got four to go 🙂
Many of you might be wondering of why I’m still running the experiment and didn’t sell when I was making 3 times the invested capital! Well to me the experiment is fun, it made me learn a lot about crypto and it also allowed me to get to know many new cryptocurrencies, a few of them actually become my favourite cryptos.
Right now the value of all the coins is of $303 and/or 0.08 BTC. Which means I’m losing $696.64 from the initial $1000 invested.
Last time I wrote about the experiment Bitcoin price was of $9831 and right now it’s just $3408. The dominance is at 55%, way more of what I was used seeing the first months of the experiment.
To dig into details only 6 cryptocurrencies are in positive against USD and what’s interesting is that 36 cryptocurrencies are in positive againt BTC. Some of them are now dead as the well know Bitconned and PURA.
Let’s talk about our Top3 cryptocurrencies against the USD.
Tron (TRX) is the overall winner. The $10.04 originally invested are worth now $34.89 a nice gain of 247.67 %.
The second overall with a gain of 123.31% is Binance Coin (BNB)
Lastly Ox Protocol (ZRX) with a gain of 44.58%.
The Scenario is different if we compare the Top3 cryptocurrencies against BTC.
Tron (TRX) is still the overall winner with an impressive gain of 1416%, the 0.00062500 BTC invested are now worth 0.0094750 BTC.
Binance Coin (BNB) gain is of 861.34 % and Ox Protocol (ZRX) 535.02 %, to notice that Ripple (XRP) is just behind with a gain of 530.66 %.
All this makes me understand that there are still some cryptos out there we made a huge gain against BTC, even on this bear market that sees no peace.
Top 5 cryptocurrencies so far :
- Tron (TRX) + 244.67 %, from $10.04 to $34.89
- Verge (XVG) + 123.31 % , from $9.62 to $21.90
- Ox Protocol (ZRX) + 44.58 %, from 10.11 to $14.44
- Ripple (XRP) + 44.30 %, from $9.75 to $14.07
- MANA (Decentraland) +608.24 %, from $9.77 to $12.83
A recap of all the 100 Cryptocurrencies and how they are performing against USD
A recap of all the 100 Cryptocurrencies and how they are performing against BTC
Balance by day in USD :
Top 100 Cryptocurrencies one year ago.
Top 100 Cryptocurrencies now.
Otherwise in short this is how I started the experiment :
- Got $ 1000 USD in Bitcoin from Coinbase (It’s probably the fastest way to get some, they accept debit cards and it’s almost used worldwide)
- Used part of the Bitcoins to buy the other cryptocurrencies/altcoins
- I used Binance , Kucoin and Hitbtc to buy most of the cryptocurrencies
- All the others on Mercatox , Cryptopia
- Another part on Bittrex
- Added all the trades on Cointracking.info