Day 37, current profit $2402 or 0.18 BTC
Best coin of the day is VeChain (VEN) with a gain o f72.84 %, the worst one is Bitcoin Dark(BTCD) with minus 20.48 %
Top 5 cryptocurrencies so far :
- Tron (TRX) +2183.04 % , from $10.04 to $229.14
- Verge (XVG) +1659.52 % , from $9.62 to $169.26
- VeChain (VEN) +1019.97 % , from 10.11 to $113.27
- Binance Coin (BNB) +793.90 % , from $9.81 to $87.68
- Ox (ZRX) +715.47 % , from $9.99 to $81.44
A recap of all the 100 Cryptocurrencies and how they are performing against USD
Balance by day in USD :
Balance by day in BTC :
I made a tutorial on how to start your experiment :
Otherwise in short this is how I started the experiment :
- Got $ 1000 USD in Bitcoin from Coinbase (It’s probably the fastest way to get some, they accept debit cards and it’s almost used worldwide)
- Used part of the Bitcoins to buy the other cryptocurrencies/altcoins
- I used Binance , Kucoin and Hitbtc to buy most of the cryptocurrencies
- All the others on Mercatox , Cryptopia
- Another part on Bittrex
- Added all the trades on