It’s the 7th week since the experiment started and I’m still here! 🙂 The more time I spend checking the experiment and the more I realize how crazy and unstable It’s going to be.
In these past weeks a lot happened,from the South Korean ban, The Re-ban from China, CME but also some good news, as the long waited Lighintg Network, which allows Bitcoin to be transferred in a few seconds and with very low fees.
Bitcoin (BTC) price is at the moment $11,298.30 USD. and the dominance is of 34.5%, a little improvement compared to the previous weeks.
The unrealized gain of the experiment is $1,726.46 USD or 0.15 BTC.
Only 11 Cryptocurrencies are in minus since the beginning of the experiment and 3 of them have a gain of over 1000%.
With an overall gain of 172.6 %, the 100 cryptocurrencies together (CryptoETF100) performed better than 72 cryptos from the ones I have.
Let’s talk about our Top5 cryptocurrencies.
Tron (TRX) is for the 4th week in a row the best gainer. Six weeks ago I bought 2500 TRX with $10.04. 2500 TRX are worth now $209.22, a gain of 1984.58 %
TRX just announced a new cooperation with Spacety and a few days ago it was listed on Bitfinex, one of the biggest exchange around. Justin Sun, also gave hints on a new exchange, will it be Kucoin?
Vechain (VEN) has been doing wonders, there is so much going on that it’s impossible to keep up! Just to mention afew, Breyer Capital has agreed to support VeChain through an official advisory role. They just announced a new cooperation with DNV GL and also with Sentinel Chain. When I bought it 7 weeks ago, I got with $10.11 USD , 18 (VEN), at the time the price was of $ 0.56 , right now the price is $7.27, so the 18 VEN is now worth $131.03 a major gain of 1195.52 %.
Verge (XVG) keeps up being on the 3rd position with an overall gain of 1008.82 % . It successfully hard forked and stealth tx’s are now being processed.
0x Protocol (ZRX) is now in the 4th position, what looked like momentum last week was only the beginning of a big rise. With the recent hack to the Japanese cryptocurrency exchange Coincheck, where it lost 523 mln NEM coins, approximately $534 mln. It only made clear to all of us the importance to have a decentralized exchange. Will 0x be the answer?
Lastly, on the 5th position, we have Cardano (ADA), the overall gain is of 519.78 %, was this rise given by the fact that Binance finally fixed the withdrawal issues?
Top 5 cryptocurrencies so far :
- Tron (TRX) +1563.45 % , from $10.04 to $166.95
- VeChain (VEN) +1195.52 % , from 10.11 to $131.03
- Verge (XVG) +1008.82 % , from $9.62 to $106.67
- Ox (ZRX) +734.19 % , from $9.99 to $66.72
- Cardano (ADA) + 519.78 % , from $9.57 to $59.31
Worst 5 cryptocurrencies so far :
- Next (NXT) -45.67 % , from $9.89 to $5.37
- Mona (MONA) -54.62 % , from $9.76 to $4.43
- Pura (PURA) -54.76 % , from $9.62 to $4.35
- Einsteinium (EMC2) -67.56 % , from $9.51 to $3.08
- Bitconnect (BCC) -97.15 % , from $9.93 to $0.28
A recap of all the 100 Cryptocurrencies and how they are performing against USD
A recap of all the 100 Cryptocurrencies and how they are performing against BTC
Balance by day in USD :
Balance by day in BTC :
Otherwise in short this is how I started the experiment :
- Got $ 1000 USD in Bitcoin from Coinbase (It’s probably the fastest way to get some, they accept debit cards and it’s almost used worldwide)
- Used part of the Bitcoins to buy the other cryptocurrencies/altcoins
- I used Binance , Kucoin and Hitbtc to buy most of the cryptocurrencies
- All the others on Mercatox , Cryptopia
- Another part on Bittrex
- Added all the trades on Cointracking.info